February 24, 2005

New PC

I need a new PC and since I don't yet have the fabulous riches that
may at some future time be mine, it will probably need to be a fairly
cheap and nasty one.

Below is basically what I think I need, and I'm looking for specific
advice. (ted, Andrew, anyone?) The main requirement is that it can run
Virtual PC (hence the RAM), and not games.

CPU - fully compatible, at least 1GHz
Cache - whatever
Chassis - whatever
RAM: 750meg minimum, 1G preferred
HD: at least 40G
CD: whatever
DVD: not required
Audio: whatever
Graphics: low is better
Network: Ethernet 100
USB 2.0: required
Keyboard: only if included
Mouse: only if included
Monitor: at least 17" CRT. LCD not required.
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional

To me, this looks like a second hand machine. Maybe a government sale?
Anyway, I'm going to try to get one like this on the weekend, pending
any better advice. (I'm trying posting to my blog via email. Hope it

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