February 23, 2005

Gmail invites up for grabs

I was going to post about all the bazillions of things that I have to do, but instead, I'll just say: I have a bunch of GMail invites. If you'd like a GMail account, just ask me. First come, first served but since I have a bunch of 'em, go crazy.

I quite like how GMail handles email as "conversations" rather than inbox vs outbox. And a gig of space doesn't hurt either. But if you haven't heard much about GMail, you should probably be aware that some people are deeply concerned with what Google is doing with your mail, including how much information they are extracting about you to create targeted advertising. And they use cookies to track your use of Google while you're using GMail. And just because you delete an email doesn't mean it's gone from their servers. And so on.

Personally, I read their privacy page pretty carefully, and I'm okay with it.

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