February 04, 2005

First Post

Since Rob specifically said that he wanted to know more about my [insert blog title]... Behold!

I passed the first of three exams to become a Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) today. I feel kinda... dirty.

Apparently anyone who can pass even one exam gets to call themselves a Microsoft Certified Prostitute Professional. I'll have to resign myself to no longer being able to boast complete ignorance of the Operating System of the Evil Empire. I liked being ignorant. I liked my Maccier than Thou moral high ground. But now I officially have A Clue when it comes to programming The Popular OS. (Specifically, programming web applications in VB.NET, for those of you who know what this means.)

The exam was accomplished with my usual hyperanxiety and high marks. I got 848 when 700 was required to pass. The best bit is the giant Fuck You to our training guy. (He's a knob, more on this topic follows.)

He tried to convince both me and my colleague BettyBetty that we would fail. He tried very very hard to convince us that we should lower our expectations, and even that we should not tell anyone when we were sitting the exam so we would not be shamed when we failed. Presumably his reasoning was that if he failed his first few Microsoft exams, then people like us...

Well, ner. We didn't fail. BettyBetty only just passed, but she did pass, so blow it out your Evil Empire, asshat.

Also: all blogs have RSS feeds by default. The feed is at http://[yourblogname].blogspot.com/atom.xml I'll hook up Dave and Chris and Rob (but not ted, I think...?) and then I won't have to remember anyone's URLs. Huzzah!

I'm currently investigating RSS for use at work (go, forward technology Linda, fight and do miracles), so I suppose I could talk a little about that next time. In a radical break from blog tradition, other topics of conversation may include: Cats Do the Wacky, Oh How My Job Pisses Me Off, I Just Finished This Book You Should Read, My ADSL Brings All the Anime to the Yard. (Sorry, Dave.)

Oh, and just as a test: 今日はすごく寒かったです 雪が山で降っていました (Kyou wa sugoku samukatta desu. Yuki ga yama de futte imashita.) Today was really cold. It snowed in the mountains.

I will occasionally be speaking in Japanese, and I will definitely be making mistakes. Please please let me know when I do. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.


linbot said...

Write the blog.
Do nothing extra.

linbot said...

Yo, dogbot. Thanks for the giant supportive and rambly comment. The effects of the excess of Korean alcomohol were almost completely indetectable. 8)

So, are you an MCP too? I did not know that. One of the best things about passing this exam is that work will only pay for one exam, so if I'd failed I would have had to pay another $180 in advance. Crappy 'spensive 'xams. Is your work paying for yours?

You're so right about the Microsoft Certified Lowest Common Denominator too. Although, having actually done one exam, I have a little more respect for people who actually have some of these qualifications. Not a great deal more though, because I still think there was too much focus on syntax, given the embedded development tools like IntelliSense that make it Completely Unfucking Necessary to remember if it's Cell.Attributes.Add("blah") or Cell.AddAttributes("blah") But still. Easy marks for people with good memories... 8)

And baby movies??!? Already? Way to overachieve, Land of the Rising Media Guy. 8) Please send love to little ted on our behalf. (I've asked everyone (well, Jimbo) and little ted is acknowledged to be the best of names for the akachan, even (nay, especially) if the akachan turns out to be a girl.)

And I think you should investigate the RSS thing. It's not that I don't remember your URL (as IF), it's more that it's so sad to load and reload your journal in case it's been updated. Sad!

And see, the thing about the cold is that here, it's fukkn 夏。なつ。Summer. Not 冬。ふゆ。Winter. Like it is where you are. Still, it's 34 in Townsville, so hahaha.

And the other comment of weirdness was Xopher hijacking my computer and commenting as me. He strange.