March 12, 2005


After some fraznarfing* and nundle-wunking** about the new sound card (purchased because it looked like the on-board one was, you know, fucked) I now have sound on the PC! Whoot! Just in time to get some sleep.

Also: I have a new mobile phone. *looks shifty*. I won't promise to answer it unless you promise not to ring. It has a camera and a colour screen and wank wank wank.

I also bought a Blue-tooth adapter majigger, which connects my Mac with my phone. (First time, no problems... No fraznarfing* with a Mac, by gum.) This means that I didn't have to type in all your phone numbers again, because they were transmitted from my computer's address book via tiny address pigeons through the aether to the phone. Or something.

I may have your number, but I'm not making any promises to ring you either, because, er. Good lord, is that the time? Zzzz.

* Fraznarf (IT, vb.) To discover that something that should be Plug and Play just isn't.
** Nundle-wunk (IT, vb.) To cynically resign oneself to continual fraznarfing.

1 comment:

Dave said...

And not that I want you to leave your personal details for the Young People to detect or anything, but what's the number?