December 02, 2005

Casual Friday

In the past few months the IT people where I work have started wearing jeans and tshirts on Fridays. It's kind of cute, because someone thought of it, and now everyone does it, but as far as I know, nobody talks about it. (The first rule of casual Friday is...)

So, anyway, I wore my Gatchaman shirt today. Some of you might remember it as G-Force, but basically the shirt has the logo, a red G on a yellow background.

One of the few women I work with wandered past and interrupted me to say, "Super girl, super girl."

Me: It's not Super Girl, it's Gatchaman, G-Force. You know, that old animated tv show...
She: [laughing meanly and shaking her head] That's just sad. Sad!
Me: [flatly] I'm sure you think so.
She: [nothing to say at all, wandered away]

Victory! She was wearing an old, tatty, give-away Microsoft shirt. As she does almost every day. My shirt is nerdy, but hers is an ad for an out-of-date version of a Microsoft server product. Hah!

This woman is known crap-head anyway; she once asked me "Why is your life so empty that you watch *Batman*?" That day I couldn't think of a good answer ("Fuck off!" would have been perfect, but is a little outside my comfort zone.) so I owe her many snide comments.

By way of contrast, one of the guys who I work with occasionally is a much nicer person. We chat about animated shows and House and all sorts of things.

He: [walking past] Hi.
Me: Hi.
He: [notices shirt, looks jealous] Where do you keep finding these shirts!? I want a Green Lantern one...

And then five minutes of chat about finding cool shirts and variations on the Green Lantern logo ensued. Rock.

In other news, I'm another year older, and much less in debt. I love my friends. My mother visited for a week, but has now gone back to the less-than-tender mercies of my sisters. Finally, I loved HP4, and though there's no sneaky thing at the end of the credits, the Jarvis Cocker power ballad is worth waiting for.


Polysemous said...

I was going to comment but my comment ended up longer than my average update so ... :~)
I plan to paste it into my blog instead.
What a shallow little nasty. (at work)
Maybe she's jealous coz you are so rockin and kawaii. And if not... it must be relatively easy not to care, I hope.

winstoninabox said...

Pardon my ignorance, but what is "HP4".

Polysemous said...

Harry Potter Four.

emmajeans said...

kawaii, or possibly kewaii.
maybe she is jealous because she tried to dress nerdy, in her microsoft teeshirt, but you keep upstaging her.
what a shallow, empty (cartoonless) life she must lead!

alixkid said...

It is good perspective to know someone who is an arsehole. It lets me know that everyone else isn't.

winstoninabox said...

Thanks for the answer Polly. Harry Potter 4. Of course.

I too enjoyed it. Mari and I went opening night. I was looking forward to it as it is my favorite book in the series.

While in general I enjoyed it, Michael Gambon is just not working for me as Dumbledore. I have to respect his interpretation of the character, but it just ain't sitting right with me. With every scene he was in I felt more and more distance from the film, until it became distracting.

He just doesn't seem to have the quiet yet commanding presence that I feel the character in the books has. I keep expecting more in the style of McKellen's Gandalf, which I know is wrong of me.