April 07, 2005

Slug to human in three days

After three days of continual hormone-induced misery, I'm finally dragging myself up to somewhere towards human. Evolution is a strange and mysterious process -- what possible use is it to make half the population susceptible to such extremes of emotion...? I honestly have no idea. Maybe I wouldn't notice it if I were struggling every moment just to survive. As it is, I have time to sit around on my arse, watching tv, feeling like toasted crap and whining...

Mind you. House MD really is very good, even if none of you care enough to have asked for it. Surprisingly enough, it even keeps Xopher awake (for the most part). We have had a number of conversations (shocking, I know) about it. I wish someone else would watch 16 so that I can wave my little arms around and rant. Rant!!1!

I'm still also completely hoping that House and Wilson will start a relationship. It could happen! Stop looking at me like that! Wilson is unhappy in his marriage, and everyone knows that he's the only person that House can tolerate. House made a joke about them breaking up! It's right there. In my imagination, yes, fine, whatever. Just you wait, sooner or later someone is going to write a show where the main characters have a big gay romance and then we'll see who's imagining what.

And if it's not House, it might be Eyes, another new show which has just started in the US. It has private investigators. One of them is a guy. And then another one of them is a guy too. And the second guy is like, gay. So, like, there you go.

Defence rests.

1 comment:

Dave said...

On what?