October 31, 2005

Er... sorry about the complete silence

Life's been kind of interesting lately, but in a very hermit inducing way. Basically after struggling with a bunch of stuff which was making me feel crappy and making me miss work, I've started seeing a psychologist (hereinafter "doctorc" where the c is for crazy), and been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (hereinafter not mentioned).

This is a very interesting time to be me, and man, if you thought that having a blog made you self-obsessed, you should try working through a bunch of childhood crap.

In happier, quick let's gloss over the personal revelation parts of this post, news, I've also started reading a lot of comics. Batman is the shit. Yes, indeedy. It's a shame that it's taken me so long to catch up (gloss gloss) with how cool comics are, but now I'm here and nerding the hell out of myself.

Anyway, my doctorc says that I'm good at working out what I need, and she's one hundred per cent behind my buying comics and toys habit, so hee hee, no stopping me now.

Please feel free to relate your personal revelations to Batman in your comments. Or Cable and Deadpool, if you know who they are. Or Young Avengers (featuring Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, to make an in-joke that I expect absolutely nobody reading this blog to get -- feel free to prove me wrong).

1 comment:

emmajeans said...

Blog silence has been broken.

Batman rocks. Did you see him punch Supes, then see how Supes puked? That was awesome.

Batman's a scientist.