August 05, 2005

Reason #8,492 Why I Love Living with Chris

[Driving home after a lovely dinner with Ms. Fiona, Mr the Dave and Simno]
L: Watch out for that bus, it's probably turning right.
[Bus doesn't turn right]
L: It didn't. [peers in rear-vision mirror] Oh, I thought so, it's out of service.
X: It might be going this way.
L: Buses turn right there.
X: What if it's going to that bus stop?
L: That's not a bus stop.
X: What if it's a hospital bus?
L: The buses to the hospital go the other way.
X: What if it's going to that bus stop?
L: Then it would have gone into Woden and back out again.
X: What if it was a private bus?
L: Then it wouldn't have said "Action Buses" on the side.
X: What if it was a private bus going to a private hospital?
L: I've already told you about the hospital buses.
X: What if it was one of those late night buses that go everywhere?
L: Those buses are smaller, because hardly anyone is on them. Don't backchat me, I know buses.
X: What if it...
L: Look, you've lost this one, okay? There are plenty of other arguments that you can win, so I think you should just retire gracefully.
X: I think I should fart and run away.
L: I think you should NOT fart AND stay in the car.
X: So I win?
L: ...yes.


Chriplodocus said...

What a guy.

emmajeans said...

Wow. I wish *I* could live with someone as {insert appropriate adjective here} that! :D

Polysemous said...



emmajeans said...

Blog More Linda-san!
How goes the Japaneseing?