July 01, 2005

All new cutest hair ever

As part of my Eurovision party preparation, I paid a nice young man a bunch of money to remove my foot long braid and replace it with a much shorter, perkier and altogether cuter haircut.

I'd post photos, if I were someone else entirely.

It's basically a darkish red, with brighter-red oddly-shaped highlighted chunks. I don't think the Young People call them streaks any more, but I could be wrong. It's kind of a messy/shaggy cut, so I can do lots of things with it.

The main, most important thing is the Flippy! This configuration has got kind of a sticky out flippy thing at eye level, all the way round. It's very cute!

There's also the Minor Flippy, which is the best I can do with my n00b hairdryer skillz. (The true flippy has only been seen once, and was implemented by the original cute hair cutting guy with his l33t skillz and ultrasomething electronic hairstyling majigger.)

The next most likely style is the Work Configuration, which involves lesser amounts of "product" and is more sleek to my head. The sleek thing is important because the default setting for this hair is a kind of all-over sticky up thing. Still cute, but nowhere near as funky.

However, the importantest thing of all is: my new hair is cute! I've been getting a bunch of compliments. From women, because most are better at "OMFG! Yr hair is so kewt!" But also, so far three of the the painfully people shy computer nerds I work with have managed to find some time when noone else is around to tell me that my new hair looks "quite good". Tee hee.

I've got some amazing double takes too. My boss had to clutch at his desk with both hands to keep from literally falling off his chair.

But anyway, enough about my hair... Not! It's also much lighter, and as you might expect, I'm kind of still going through some long hair habits. Such as: reaching around to pull my braid out of my collar whenever I put on a jacket; hair flicking (now has no effect!); removing my hair band when going to bed; and so on.

So, there, now you know. My hair is both new and cute. How's your hair?


winstoninabox said...

As per the last 15 years, it's being voted off the island one folicle at a time.

I'm expecting a winner in the few years.

Polysemous said...

My hair's still the colour of wet straw and of indecisive length.

emmajeans said...

My hair is in its pre-purple state.
This is a nice way of saying it is still an unremarkable, wet-cat brown. I have plans for it, oh yes, I do...
But if it keeps falling out like it is, I will just get it shaved off. I will keep the hair in a jar. This will, in future, sufficiently threaten the regrowth, and will ensure I have no more bad hair days. Ever.

Dave said...

Going grey, but in a dignified, Mr Fantastic kind of way.

All I need now is the tweed and I should look a right intellectual, so I should.